The fast and trusted way to send money

Millions of people check our international rates and send money online to 200 countries in 100 currencies.

Trustpilot Secure Transfers

The Xe Advantage

How much can you save when sending international money transfers with Xe?

Recipient gets up to €554 more when sending with us

Rates correct as of 10:30 GMT 3/9/23

Why choose Xe

30+ Years of Excellence

Fast transfers

Send money in seconds to your loved ones across the world.

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Transparent Fees

We always strive to give you the best rate with simple fees.

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We protect your money and data with legal compliance and policy.

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Send money online, at home or on the go

The Xe app has everything you need for international money transfers. It's easy, secure, and has no hidden fees.

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What people are saying

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6 easy steps

How to send money online with Xe


Sign up for free

Sign in to your Xe account or sign up for free. It takes just a few minutes, all you need is an email address


Get a quote

Let us know the currency you'd like to transfer, how much money you want to send and the destination.


Add your recipient

Provide your recipient's payment information (you'll need details like their name and address).


Verify your identity

For some transfers, we may need identifying documents to confirm it’s really you and keep your money safe.


Confirm your quote

Confirm and fund your transfer with a bank account, credit card, or debit card and you're done!


Track your transfer

See where your money is and when it arrives to your recipient. Get live chat, phone and email support.

Ready to get started?

Sign up and save on your next transfer!

Sign in and send
Ways to sendWays to receive

Send money to over 200 countries in 100+ currencies

Direct Debit ACH

Direct Debit, or Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments take funds directly from your bank account.

Wire Transfer

Wire transfers will move money by transferring from your bank to ours. We usually receive money in 24 hours.

Debit or Credit Card

Card payments typically take less than 24 hours. However, card payments come with a small additional fee.

Connecting the World

Send Money Destinations

Send money to الإمارات العربية المتحدة

Send money to ألبانيا

Send money to الأرجنتين

Send money to أستراليا

Send money to البوسنة والهرسك

Send money to بلجيكا

Send money to باربادوس

Send money to بنجلاديش

Send money to بلغاريا

Send money to البحرين

Send money to بروناي دار السلام

Send money to جزر البهاما

Send money to كندا

Send money to سويسرا

Send money to تشيلي

Send money to كولومبيا

Send money to كوستاريكا

Send money to الرأس الأخضر

Send money to جمهورية التشيك

Send money to ألمانيا

Send money to جيبوتي

Send money to الدانمارك

Send money to جمهورية الدومينيكان

Send money to إسبانيا

Send money to فيجي

Send money to فرنسا

Send money to جواتيمالا

Send money to اليونان

Send money to هونج كونج

Send money to هندوراس

Send money to كرواتيا

Send money to هايتي

Send money to المجر

Send money to إندونيسيا

Send money to إسرائيل

Send money to إيطاليا

Send money to الهند

Send money to جامايكا

Send money to الأردن

Send money to اليابان

Send money to الكويت

Send money to سريلانكا

Send money to ليتوانيا

Send money to مدغشقر

Send money to موريشيوس

Send money to مالاوي

Send money to المكسيك

Send money to ناميبيا

Send money to هولندا

Send money to النرويج

Send money to نيبال

Send money to نيوزيلندا

Send money to عمان

Send money to بيرو

Send money to الفلبين

Send money to باكستان

Send money to بولندا

Send money to البرتغال

Send money to رومانيا

Send money to صربيا

Send money to رواندا

Send money to السويد

Send money to سنغافورة

Send money to تايلاند

Send money to تونس

Send money to تركيا

Send money to ترينيداد وتوباجو

Send money to أوغندا

Send money to الولايات المتحدة

Send money to جنوب إفريقيا

Send money to ماليزيا

Send money to أيرلندا

Send money to النمسا

Send money to فنلندا

Send money to موناكو

Send money to جيرسي

Send money to سلوفاكيا

Send money to لوكسمبرج

Send money to قبرص

Send money to غانا

Send money to مالطا

Send money to لاتفيا

Send money to بنما

Send money to الإكوادور

Send money to سلوفينيا

Send money to الجبل الأسود

Send money to إستونيا

Send money to الأراضي الفلسطينية

Send money to جرينادا

Send money to أنتيجوا وباربودا

Send money to جرينادينز وسانت فينسنت

Send money to سوازيلاند

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I send money internationally?
How much does it cost to transfer money through Xe?
How long does it take to send money internationally?
How much money can I send abroad?
How do I send money to a bank account?
How do I send money to a mobile wallet?
How can I send money online for cash pickup?
How to transfer large amount of money?
Who should I call for money transfer related issues?
How do I track my Xe money transfers?
Why should I trust Xe to send my money online?